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General Accessories

Hearth Accessories  

Andirons  Bellows  Hearth Grill  Damper Pulls Fire starters, Gas Log Lighter, Matches & Holders Fireplace and Stove Grates Fireplace and Stove Screens  Fireplace Firebacks Fireplace Glass Doors  Fireplace Replacement Screens and much more

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Cast-Iron Grille

12" x 14" Cast-iron Grille, Black, Fits 10" x 12" Opening
$56.99 $49.99

Cast-Iron Louvered Register

12" x 14" Cast-iron Louvered Register, Black, Fits 10" x 12" Opening
$129.00 $119.00

Dial-A-Temp Fan Speed Control

The Dial-A-Temp offers easy control of fan speed and noise with plug-in versatility.
$29.99 $26.09

Stove-Stat Automatic Fan Control

A heat sensor magnetically attaches on the outer stove wall near the blower. When the sensor reaches a temperature of 110°F, the blower is automatically started. The blower is turned off as surface temperatures near 90°F.
$79.99 $75.99

6'' Magic Heat Reclaimer

A smart way to save on heating bills. Install this reclaimer in the flue (vent pipe) of any air-tight stove or free-standing fireplace.

8'' Magic Heat Reclaimer

A smart way to save on heating bills. Install this reclaimer in the flue (vent pipe) of any air-tight stove or free-standing fireplace.
$287.39 $277.39

Ecofan Airmax Non-Electric Stove Top Fan

The Ecofan generates its own electricity through the difference in temperature.
$189.00 $179.00

Ecofan™ 2 Blade Non-Electric Stove Top Fan

The Ecofan generates its own electricity through the difference in temperature.
$135.00 $125.00

Fireplace Smoke Guard

Fireplaces will often smoke because the fireplace opening is too large in relation to the chimney flue. This occurs particularly when warm weather reduces chimney draft. HY-C's Smoke Guard will quickly and economically solve this problem.
$92.00 $82.00

Hearth Country Firewood Moisture Meter

The Hearth Country Firewood Moisture Meter is an easy, fast way to determine the moisture content in your firewood - no more guessing!
$42.99 $40.69

Newspaper Log Roller - Antique Brass Finish

Now you can roll up your old newspapers for burning in the fireplace.
$99.99 $86.39

Rainbow Flame Crystals

A granular mixture of crystals that makes flames in a beautiful panorama of long-lasting green and blue colors.
$11.99 $9.00